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Dialogue in the Dark: Social Enterprise in China - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Ilan Alon; William Hua Wang; Jennifer Dugosh; Kylie Oberdorf;
出版日期:2014/08/05內容長度:8 頁

Teaching note for product 9B14M103.

Dialogue in the Dark: Social Enterprise in China
作者姓名:Ilan Alon; William Hua Wang; Jennifer Dugosh; Kylie Oberdorf;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B14M103
出版日期:2014/08/05內容長度:12 頁

The founder and CEO of Dialogue in the Dark (DID) had a very unique background with long-term professional experience. She developed a passion for working with the blind and, through this passion, she brought DID to China. DID was a social enterprise aiding the disabled through awareness. Social entrepreneurship was a fairly new concept that had only recently been introduced in China.The CEO needed to figure out how to introduce this idea of social .....more